Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time for a change/Attempt at blogging #3

Today I took my dog to the park. As usual, she decided to spend her time trying to catch squirrels. It can be embarrassing to be with her when this happens, as she tends to make a lot of very loud squealing noises while spinning in circles. But I know she enjoys it, so I don't mind. 

There she is, doing what she loves, what comes most naturally to her, and then it happens - she tries to follow one of her intended targets up a tree. Sadly, dogs are not very good at climbing trees. In fact, they are not really designed to do so. Thus, she will sit, squealing at the base of a tree, unable to pursue her squirrel friend any further.

The Hunter in Action

Butterscotch's struggle is my struggle. I understand how this feels. And I understand her frustration.

You see, I love to write. I like to share my ideas, tell stories, and express myself. I am driven to do it. But I too have trouble continuing. I get stuck at the base of the tree, unable to go any further. There is a mental block keeping me from going beyond a certain point. I talk myself out of writing, convinced that I am not good enough. I procrastinate, thinking I will make time some other evening. I think of a hundred other things I ought to be doing with my time. 

I even put off sharing pictures of garbage that I take all over NYC.

I have tried blogging a few other times, but I always seem to lose steam. But I don't want it to be that way any more. 

So, City Snakes is expanding. It will include more than it's titular subject, though I intend on still sharing my many finds. I will talk about other things that interest me, and share pictures and stories from my travels throughout the Boroughs.

I am going to try and be better about this, if for no other reason than to not feel the defeat of having a squirrel evade me at every turn.

She Will Never Cease

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